Friday, February 27, 2009


A lot of people often wait for their "big break" the moment that a big name in the industry hears a young musician music, or the boss gives you a promotion, or even when you get the perfect job. I cant lie i do be waiting on my big break. I was tellin some one earlier like damn! I hate when people with no talent gets a big break. Like rappers that just make a dance song or lookin boy song then fades off into darkness. I would think that a big company would want to sign someone that would consistently make good music. Im not downing dance music but if they aint making consistent hits don't sign the weak ass. That's like signing a 38 year old basketball player who only has one good year left in him at the most. Why give him all that money? Its young talent out here that works everyday really hard to make it in the industry. People that actually take time to thing about their lyrics and music. I guess life is just about chances…..Fate..destiny.. although bein persistent gives you better chances then just waiting. With that bein said im gonna be persistent. Keep on pushin until I get my "BIG BREAK"

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